Pre-Monday Meditation Sound check – Ganesha and Chandra.

So the story goes, Ganesha was traveling home the evening of his birthday, riding his pet mouse, Mushika – his belly round and full from the sweets he had been given throughout the day, his arms overflowing with the treats that he hadn’t enjoyed yet, when Mushika tripped on a stone and they both went tumbling.

Ganesha felt embarrassed as he picked himself up, dusted himself off and tried to gather the sweets that were not muddied, when he heard a distant laugh…

The moon, Chandra, had seen Ganesha fall, and he laughed mockingly.

At this Ganesha grew angry and bellowed at Chandra “Henceforth no light shall fall on you again”.

Thus, the moon had no light and disappeared from the sky, it’s pride broken.

All the beings of the world pleaded on Chandra’s behalf and Ganesha began to regret the harsh nature of his words as he realized they affected not only Chandra but all of the beings who adore the light of the moon,

Unfortunately however once a curse is pronounced it cannot be taken back, by human or god.

Ganesha told the Moon, “Listen O Chandra! Your light will reduce, in phases, and there will be one day each month when there will be no moon in the sky. This shall be the new moon. Following this your light will increase, in phases, and finally glow in full size on the fifteenth day – the full moon.”

This waxing and waning was to remind Chandra to be humble.

It reminds me that all of life is a series of phases and cycles, and not to be attached to the good or the bad, because both are temporary.

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May I always strive to remember this tale of Ganesha and Chandra whenever urged to speak in haste and anger.

ॐ गं गणपतये नमः
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha